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Natural resources of Shahrasti upazila

Natural resources of Shahrasti upazila
Agricultural Resources:
          Shahrasti upazila economy is mainly agricultural based. Shahrasti soil, climate and water are suitable for the production of various crops. 75% of the total households in this upazila are somehow involved in crop production. Paddy, soybean, jute, marich, sarasa, potato, almond and akhum are the main crops of this upazila. In addition, extensive cultivation of superiors and coconut in Shahrasti upazila is noticed. There are also abundant fruit trees. Mango, blackberry, jackfruit, banana, papaya, guava, lemon, bell and strawberry are some of the local fruits.
Animal Resources:
             According to 1996, Krishi Kumari in rural areas of Shahrasti upazila, 36% of rural households keep cattle. 222 poultry farms and 102 livestock farms have been upgraded to livestock.