Staying in Shahrasti Municipality.
The rickshaw or the C & G to go to Shahrasti Upazila Parishad.
Mazar Sharif of Hazrat Rasti Shah (R) is located in the village of Sreepur in Shahrasti upazila of Chandpur district. As it is known about this great Islamist preacher Rasti Shah, he was born in Baghdad, Iraq. He was the descendant of Hazratbariq Abdul Quader Jilani (ra). His father was the nephew of Baripir. It is known from a board held in the shrine that he was born in 1238 AD and he arrived in the country in 1351 AD. He witnessed many miracles and died in 1388.
One of the 12 people who came to Hazrat Shahjalal with Awalis, he was one of them. When he came to the country, the sultan of Delhi was Firoz Shah and the Subadar of Bengal was Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah. Syed Ahmed Tanvi, one of the royal companions of Rasti Shah, was present.
He came to Yemen for the promotion of religion in 738 BD Being a dreamer from Yemen, he came to the country to spread Islam. Many people also believe that they are Yemen's descendants from Yemen. While coming to this country, one of his closest companions was his younger brother Shah Mahbub.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS